平成26(2014)年度 - ITU-AJ

#028 野辺山宇宙電波観測所~国立天文台


#025 2014 JICA集団研修の模様


#024 The ITU-T Study Group 16 Meeting (SG16)

The ITU-T Study Group 16 Meeting (SG16) and other collocated events were held in Sapporo, Japan from 30 June to 11 July 2014. ITU-AJ produced the visual report on those events, having an interview with key-persons of SG16 at the venue.

#023 5th APT Workshop on Disaster Management/Communications

The 5th APT Workshop on Disaster Management/Communications has successfully been held with 93 participants from 23 countries in the Asia-Pacific region during the period from June 24th to 26th, 2014, in Tokyo. The follwing is its visual report in English.